Stay connected with The Cubit Club to learn about upcoming events and social gatherings for young and new Masons.
What is the Cubit Club?
"From initiation to installation..."
The Cubit Club is a social club for young and new Masons to connect with others in their early stages of Masonic development. We provide a welcoming environment for members to enjoy drinks and conversation.
The Worcestershire province has recently supported the creation of a Young and New Masons club in an effort to support those brethren new to Freemasonry during the first few years of their Masonic lives.
A gathering of brethren from 6 lodges met in early May 2017 for a social and skittles evening, this proved extremely successful and the ‘Cubit Club’ was born.....
Our remit is "a initiative within the Worcestershire Province to provide both young and new Masons with a medium to socialise and liaise with fellow masons of a similar age or stage of Masonic development".
How do i join and how much?
It's as simple as filling out an online form and the best part... it's free. You've paid enough into Freemasonry early doors, so we don't want to add to that.

How to become a Freemason
The Journey of a Lifetime
Becoming a Freemason is like going on a journey:
from joining as an Entered Apprentice, it typically
takes one or two years to become a Master Mason,
with each of the three stages marked by a special
Am I Eligible?
Any man over the age of 21 may join regardless of ethnic group, political views, economic standing or religion although he is expected to have a faith. Students over 18 can join one of 55 University Lodges. UGLE oversees lodges in England, Wales, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands, whilst Scotland and Ireland have their own Grand Lodges.

How Do I Join
If you don't know anyone who is a member and who you can talk to, then your first step is to approach your local lodge or one which shares your interests. Details of how to join lodge in the Province of Worcestershire can be found here.
More Information can be found via the follwoing websites:
Provincial Grand Lodge of Worcestershire​
Heritage & Culture
The Library and Museum of Freemasonry
Masonic Publications
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